Friendly Group
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What we are all about
We meet at 1:30pm on the last Wednesday of the month from September to May (excluding December) in the Lecture Room of the Music Institute (next door to the Carnegie Hall) in Dunfermline where we hold workshops and invite guest speakers.
We welcome new members and it really doesn’t matter if you are just getting started or have a wealth of experience. Annual membership for 2024/2025 is £10. Visitors pay £2 per meeting.
Our main aim is to promote and encourage an interest in family history by providing a meeting place for like minded folk.
We may be able to help!
Anyone can ask us for a bit of help. Do you want a photo of a family grave or a local address? Do you want a newspaper article from our local paper? Do you need a certificate? Do you want to know where somewhere was?
There might be a charge if it costs us money to check something for you. We don’t charge for our services but donations are kindly welcome.
Please send us an email if you have any questions and we aim to answer them as soon as possible.